苦藤粉案: 論科學證據在因果關係判定上之運用【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Case about Powder of Tinospora Crispa for Example: On Taking Scientific Evidence to Determine the Causality
Scientific evidence is often needed in litigations. In the field of science, there is a “scientific evidence hierarchies” that evaluates the strength of the research results, which could be taken as a criterion to determine whether to adopt a research result. However, scientific studies usually prove that the exposure factor and the disease are “correlated,” but cannot clearly show that they are absolutely causally related to each other. Form here would a difficulty in litigation arise. In this essay, opinions of judicial practice in Japan would be introduced in respect of taking scientific evidence to determine causality, so that it would be facilitated to take scientific evidence in litigations.