原住民族健康法作為一部人權保障法規:健康人權的觀點【本期企劃】 試閱
Indigenous Health Act as Human Rights Legislation: A Right to Health Perspective
By reviewing the development of the rights of indigenous peoples in the United Nations (UN) system and the right to health of indigenous peoples in international human rights treaties, we examine the implications of the “Indigenous Health Act” passed on 26 May 2023 in Taiwan. In previous state reports on the implementation of human rights treaties, the government and the International Review Committees (IRC) focused on issues related to the rights concerning self-determination, political participation, equality in judicial remedies, work, education, housing, as well as preservation of cultural properties and languages, while health issues were lacking. During the review cycle for the third report on implementing the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the RC recommended in its concluding observations that the government, informed by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, pass the Indigenous Health Act as soon as possible to establish a legislative framework for protecting the individual and collective right to health. Therefore, we analyse the law’s objectives based on the relevant international human rights norms and explore its prospects and challenges for promoting health equities and cultural safety among indigenous peoples in Taiwan.