鴉片中毒案:行為、侵害與相當因果關係【學習式判解評析】 試閱
The Case of Poisoning of Opium: Deed, Infringement and Adequacy
The plaintiffs (the late patient’s family) argued that the doctors had made a wrongful diagnosis and false statement in medical records, and, having their claim based on tort, pursued for damage and apology. However, the rights allegedly infringed according to the plaintiffs were not the right to the late patient’s health, bodily integrity or life, but that to family’s reputation, the legal interest in their relationship with the late patient’s body, and their personality-right to memorize the late patient. This case is in this article taken as an example to reconsider the concept of adequacy (Adäquanz) and its connection with deed and infringement of rights.