頸椎手術術後患者病情惡化,法院採「概括的事實認定」判定醫師有過失【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
The Condition of the Patient Worsens after Cervical Vertebra Sur-gery, and the Court Ascertains with the Summary of Facts That the Physician Had a Negligence
After taking a cervical vertebra surgery by the physician A in the Hospital Y, the 68-year-old plaintiff X’s condition worsened from the physically disabled 2nd level to the 1st level. The X complains consequently that the A had the negligence of techniques and faults during choosing of the operation method. The X also sues the Y for the compensation of the damage. Denying faults during choosing of the operation method, the judge still ascertains with the summary of facts that the A had the negligence of techniques in 3 ways.