普利昂感染疫情捲土重來?【醫事綜探】 試閱
In 2016, a sick female reindeer was diagnosed Chronic wasting disease (CWD) in South-Norway. CWD is a deadly disease in cervids. The disease was thought to be found in North America and South Korea; however this is the first detection of CWD in Europe. Also, this is the first time that this disease is detected in the wild. Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease (CJD) is a human prion disorder. It is a neurodegenerative disorder with characteristic clinical and diagnostic features. There is no confirmed effective treatment to arrest or cure CJD at the present time. In Taiwan, the government advocates people should never donate blood, tissues, or organs if they have suspected or confirmed CJD, or if they are at increased risk because of a family history of the disease, a dura mater graft, or other factor.