The Supreme Court’s Historic Ruling on the Affordable Care Act Economic Sustainability and Universal Coverage
由美國前總統歐巴馬所主導、以國會於2010年3月所通過「病患保障與平價醫療法案」為主幹的美國健康保險改革,從一開始就受到共和黨的強力杯葛,並以其內容違憲為由提起訴訟。本文針對美國最高法院於2012年6月28日所做出的National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius判決進行分析,探討平價醫療法案的經濟永續性與對於全民納保目標的各項相關憲法、健康與社會正義之議題。
The American healthcare reform, which led by the former president Obama and presented by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act), has been fiercely boycotted by the Republican in the very beginning of its inception. The Affordable Care Act has also been challenged by its constitutionality in the courts by many states. This article uses the US Supreme Court decision that rendered on June 28, 2012, the National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, to discuss about the economic sustainability of the Affordable Care Act, and the Constitutional, health, social justice perspectives of the universal coverage.