論臺灣女性勞工之產假制度【本期企劃】 試閱
The Maternity Leave System in Taiwan
There is protective legislation on maternity protection in the Labor Standards Act and the Act of Gender Equality in Employment in Taiwan. The Act of Gender Equality in Employment establishes a more complete maternity leave system than the Labor Standards Act. However, whether the employers shall pay the salary is really an important issue for both the employers and the employees. Accordiong to the Labor Standards Act, if the female worker referred to in the preceding paragraph has been employed for more than six months, she shall be paid regular wages during the maternity leave, while if her period of service is less than six months, she shall be paid wages at half of the regular payment. Whether the so-called six months requirement is reasonable and the computation of wage during maternity leave established by the Act of Gender Equality in Employment are the chief concerns of this essay.