【醫療刑事法】陰囊福耳尼埃氏壞疽症案:因果關係經驗法則的實證態度【學習式判解評析】 試閱
The Death Because of Fournier's Gangrene Case: The Causation and Evidence-Based Methodology
The victim suffered from scrotum lesion and was treated by the accused physician, who did not prescribe antibiotics and the victim died 8 days later due to the Fournier’s gangrene inducing septic shock. The physician was brought into court by public prosecutor. The district and appealed courts both hold that the physician was not negligent at his diagnosis and treatment, and should he be negligent, there lacked causation between negligence and death which was deduced from evidence-based medical data. The author agree the conclusion and the reasoning of the courts, yet comment on the decision with special emphasis on the causation reasoning structures, the evidence-base method, and the judgement criteria of medical negligence.