Marketing Pharmaceuticals: A Constitutional Right to Sell Prescriber-Identified Data?
美國最高法院2011年的Sorrell v IMS Health判決中,宣告佛蒙特州之處方籤保密法違憲,禁止該法在沒有取得醫師同意下,來揭露、使用、販售可辨識處方開立者之資訊。這個判決引出更多關於如何規範藥品行銷的問題,特別是如何在正當商業利益與消費者權益間取得平衡。本文從健康與安全風險、醫療成本增加、對於隱私及專業精神之影響等觀點進行討論,並對於後Sorrell時代的管制環境提出獨特的觀點。
In 2011, in Sorrell v IMS Health, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Vermont’s prescription confidentiality law, which, absent the physician’s consent, prohibited the sale of prescriber-identifying information as well as the disclosure or use of that information for marketing purposes. This decision leads more questions about how to regulate drug-marketing activities as well as to strike a balance between commercial and consumers’ interests. This article discusses the issues from health and safety risks, health care costs increasing, and privacy and professional practice affecting perspectives, to provides its viewpoints for regulation in a Post-Sorrell environment.