日本藥商針對「要指導醫藥品」相關規範提起行政訴訟【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
A Japanese Druggist Complained about the Regulation for the Medicine with Prescription to the Administration Court
In order to enhance the convenience of medicine-reaching, some norms in Pharmaceutical Affairs Law in Japan were amended in 2013. Some medicine could be reached by online shopping with conditions, and some medicine which belonged to the first sort originally were closefisted into the medicine with prescription. These kinds of medicine should be transacted in person with the information of the medicine. Otherwise it could be illegal. The druggist in the lawsuit didn’t satisfy with the norm of face-to-face transaction proclaimed by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and believed that this norm was against the freed of choosing career according to article 22 section 1 Constitution. Therefore, he filed a lawsuit at the administrative court.