醫師是否應對遲發性併發症負業務過失傷害之責?──以大腸息肉切除之腸穿孔併發症為例【醫事法學教室】 試閱
Does a Physician Have a Responsibility of Professional Negligence because of Delayed Complication? Taking Gastrointestinal Perforation as the Complication after Colorectal Polypectomy as an Example
Considering that there is no enough patient beds in a hospital, patients would usually be asked for discharging after having a minor operation without any other syndrome. Did a physician have a responsibility, if the patient was uncomfortable but without any high standard examination and had a complication after having an operation? It would be a criterion of judgement introduced in this paper whether the physician informed the complication before the operation, whether the physician payed attention to vita signs after the operation, and whether the decision of discharging was too hasty. The physician doesn’t have any responsibility for negligence, if what he did corresponded to the medical customs, for medical resources is limited. It could be demanding to a physician to examine a patient who has a complication possibly with high standard before discharging.