【醫療民事法】抽脂醫糾庭外和解案:醫療和解與錯誤【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Reaching Settlement Out of Court Regarding Liposuction Dispute: Medical Reconciliation and Error
In order to avoid the error in the quality of parties, it should be noticed during a reconciliation whether the another party is a legal-qualified complaint or an independent complaint or an agent. Then, the complaint could only be retreated if the conciliation was made in the six months after the conflict or before the judging at the first instance. In addition, the validity of contract should stretch to the medical personnel or other medical stuff during the reconciling by the hospital. The extent of reconciliation should include the compensation of the present damage and of the damage in the future, in order to avoid the trouble that the medical personnel would be complained or be asked for compensation in the future. Furthermore, if the conciliation is based on the opinion from the third party, it should be recorded in the contract of reconciliation. By doing so, it could be argued with the error in important legal issues that the opinion was false and the reconciliation should be revoked.