Apple Watch的大數據應用與個人隱私權保護爭議【醫事綜探】 試閱
Big Data Application of Apple Watch with the Issues of Personal Information Protection
Apple Watch可執行兩款具有醫療功能的應用程式,其內建的「接收心率通知」功能可以分析脈搏率資料,以識別提示心房顫動的不規則心律,當維持靜止達10分鐘,心率仍在指定每分鐘心跳數(BPM)以上時,Apple Watch會通知用戶。Apple Watch Series 4更新增另一個應用程式「心電圖」,透過機身感測器能建立一個心電圖,可以檢測心房顫動和定期心律。美國食品藥物管理局在開發和測試這些軟體產品時與Apple公司密切合作,因這些軟體可能有助於數百萬用戶更快地識別健康問題。上述心電圖功能因不符合臺灣醫療法規,故於臺灣販售之商品未包括該功能,在思考相關法規是否應鬆綁使得法規能跟上科技的進步之餘,應特別討論的是:當應用程式提供用戶資訊的同時,個人資訊與隱私權是否同時喪失?
MAC’s Apple Watch can perform two medical-enabled applications. The Apple Watch’s built-in heart rate notification feature analyzes pulse rate data to identify irregular heart rhythms that indicate atrial fibrillation. Another application, ECG, has been added to the Apple Watch Series 4. An electrocardiogram can be created through the body sensor to detect atrial fibrillation and regular heart rhythm. The Food and Drug Administration works closely with Apple Inc. when developing and testing these software products, as these software may help millions of users identify health issues faster. We should consider whether the relevant regulations should be loosened so that they can keep up with the progress and revolution of science and technology. The discussion is about “will the user’s personal information and privacy be linked out at the same time through the device’s application while providing the user information”?