精神病院之保安監禁應以具積極確信為前提【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
The Accommodation in the psychiatric Hospital should be premised on a positive Ascertainment
There must be a positive ascertainment for the connection between the psychosis and the crime as the condition to the accommodation in the psychiatric hospital according to paragraph 63 German Criminal Code. However, with the history of schizophrenia it still couldn’t be proved that the accused would be tend to commit a crime repeatedly. There must rather be a connection between the suffering schizophrenia and the committed crime. During the accused was diagnosed with the schizophrenia, there was no record for committing an injury, the issued injuring behavior in this case could be traced back to the schizophrenia. Therefore, it might difficult to have a reason to the accommodation in the psychiatric hospital according to paragraph 63 German Criminal Code.