逾越醫療行為範圍之法律責任(二):解構密醫罪之成立要件【醫事法學教室】 試閱
The Surpassing the Scope of Medical Medical Behavior (II):the Deconstructing the Requirements for the Crime of Fake Doctor
Those who are not legally qualified as medical practitioners(businesses) will certainly establish the fake doctor crimeunder Article 28 of the Doctors’ Law. However, a doctor’s“surpassing the scope of medical practice (business)” doesnot necessarily constitute a fake doctor crime. Similarly,those who have not obtained the qualifications of doctorsand professional medical professionals fail to follow theinstructions of the doctors, and they perform the medical(auxiliary) behavior (business) to establish the crime offake doctor. Otherwise, they shall be punished according tothe regulations of the professional medical regulations.