刑事醫療鑑定報告應有之證據調查方法【醫事法學教室】 試閱
Necessary Evidence Investigation Methods in Criminal Medical Appraisal Report
Although an expert is a personal method of evidence, in theprocess of investigating an expert’s report, especially in anagency’s appraisal, he often regards his expert’s report asa credibility document, which is an exception to hearsay,and has the ability to prove. If there is a question about theappraisal report, the court will also resolve it by inquiringthe appraisal agency by letter. This is not only a writtentrial, but also involves highly professional and complicatedmatters such as medical appraisal. Can such a trial methodbe handled by a judge? In addition, when the parties haveno way to cross-examine and the defendant cannot requestan appraisal on their own, it is an infringement of the rightof litigation, which must be reformed in the future.