生死邊界:「心臟停止死亡後器官捐贈參考指引」研析【本期企劃】 試閱
Between Life and Death Critical Analysis of Donation after Cardiac Death Guidelines
In order to expand the source of donated organs, in addition to donation after brain death (DBD), donation after cardiac death (DCD) has been pay attention in recent years again. In order to avoid controversy, the Ministry of Health and Welfare issued the “Donation after cardiac death guidelines” in 2017. The purpose is to construct a complete SOP for DCD. However, the guidelines comply with current relevant laws and regulations? Does it deviate from general medical ethic principles? How to choose between the pros and cons of hospice palloative care and maintenance of organ function? This article will try to explain the key points of the reference guideline and analyze and discuss the reference guideline.