實驗性檢測方法違反醫師法案:嗅癌犬篩檢之法律問題【學習式判解評析】 試閱
A Case in Violation of PhysicianAct: The Legal Aspects of Cancer Screening by Cancer Sniffing Dogs
Modern medical technology is changing rapidly, and there are many different ways to screen for cancer, but the general public has little understanding of the scientific testing process and is easily deceived. According to Medical Technologist Act, the business of the medical technologies are regulated; it must be licensed to practice the medical treatment and the business of medical inspection, so that the competent authorities could monitor it to protect the public. It would be introduced in this essay therefore. In addition, the development of the cancer screening by cancer sniffing dogs in foreign countries as well as the legal aspects that should be noticed if such testing methods would be introduced.