全民健康保險停復保爭議之研究【本期企劃】 試閱
A Study on the Suspension and Resumption of Coverage in National Health Insurance
This study investigated the resumption of Taiwan national health insurance (NHI) coverage and the payment of premiums by overseas Taiwanese upon their return based on a case recently handled by the Constitutional Court (109 Xian Er Zi No. 192). The article first addressed the importance of the NHI system as a means of protecting the right to health and importance of its financial stability. Second, the impact of the controversial regulations concerning the suspension and resumption of NHI coverage on the rights and interests of the people was analyzed from the perspective of jural relations. Furthermore, the constitutionality controversies surrounding the regulations for the suspension and resumption of NHI coverage were examined. In this regard, the principles of finance, payment, and territorial restrictiveness that should receive special attention from social insurance legislators during system construction are first discussed. Moreover, the constitutionality of relevant regulations governing those suspending, resuming, and re-applying for suspension of coverage was investigated from three angles — the principle of the explicit delegation, principle of proportionality, and differential treatment. All in all, previous constitutional interpretations have neglected the perspective of institutional guarantee of the right to health; cases in relation to property rights have been reserved for review as per special legislation. Although the relevant regulations are not unconstitutional, the benefits provided to individuals resuming coverage are tantamount to social assistance. Therefore, whether to oblige individuals suspending coverage to pay a specific amount of premiums should be considered.