牙醫於任期內遭違法解僱之事案【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
Unlawful Dismissal of Dentist during Term of Service
The plaintiff X serviced as the dental director in the hospital run by the defendant Y, based on a labor contract with five years. During the service, X was dismissed by Y on the grounds that he was medically unfit to perform his duties and failed to supervise his subordinates. Being asked the issued reasons, Y stated merely that he had received a complaint from a staff member and refused to reveal the content of it. X sued Y subsequently, seeking confirmation of employment relationship and the salary. The Court investigated Y’s reasons in detail and found that most of them were not true. In addition, the dismissal process was flawed because it failed to reveal the reasons of the complaint, failed to correct X’s inappropriate medical practices in a timely manner, and failed to five X an opportunity to explain. The court concluded that Y should have paid X his salary and annual performance pay.