二歲兒童於牙醫診所接受局部麻醉後猝死案【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
Sudden Death of a 2-year-old Child after Receiving local Anesthesia at a Dental Clinic
Defendant Y was a dentist and director of a Children’s Dental Clinic A, and C was an adjunct dentist in his clinic. C used Lidocaine as the main ingredient of a local anesthetic during giving the treatment of Decedent B’s decayed teeth. Due to inadvertent rupture of blood vessel during the injection, the concentration of the anesthesia was too high as it flowed into the bloodstream, resulting in acute Lidocaine intoxication. Although B’s parents noticed that B had an unknown reaction, Y confirmed that it was only a common phenomenon of exhaustion after anesthesia in children; however, B’s condition did not decrease and his parents sent him to Hospital H. It was be found that B was in a critical condition and eventually died. According to the court’s opinion, great attention should be paid to the prognosis in the case of using lidocaine on children. B’s symptoms were typical of acute lidocaine intoxication, and there should be a reasonable suspicion that the symptoms were related to the local anesthetic. Furthermore, Y was capable of taking appropriate measures to prevent B’s death. Taking into account that children are usually tired and sleepy after being given anesthesia, and that the injected dose is not usually toxic, Y was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment with probation for the offence of causing death by vocational negligence.