
饒了我吧!我不要當鑑定人——簡評刑訴修法對醫事鑑定的影響   試閱


Forgive Me! I Don’t Want to be an Appraiser. A Brief Review of the Impact of the Revision of the Criminal Procedure Law on Medical Appraisals




In recent years, medical disputes have occurred frequently, and medical appraisal has become an important basis for determining responsibility. The Legislative Yuan passed the “Amendment to the appraisal criminal procedure law”. This revision of the law covers the qualifications of appraisers, disclosure of interests of persons involved in the litigation, requesting prodigals to during trials and paying for the expenses, naming natural persons for agencies to conduct appraisals, and making verbal explanations in court, matters such as soliciting legal opinions from experts and the rules of evidence should be strictly enforced to make appraisal system more complete. However, medical appraisers are different from other professional appraisers. Medical appraisers rare different from other professional appraisers. Medical appraisers rarely attend the litigation activity. Medical Review Commission or other appraisal agencies may not be able to find appraisers willing to appear in court. The medical review committee or other institutional appraisal agencies may require the parties involved, such as the medical examiner or hospital examiner, to issue a written consent stating that the appraisers may not appear in court before accepting the appraisal. Medical evaluators may also refuse to appear in court to give explanations and accept cross-examination. There are no penalties in this law. In other words, there is no compulsion to require medical evaluators to appear in court. The medical review committee or other appraisal agencies may request certification from the competent authority so that their appraiser do not have to appear in court to explain and accept cross-examination. Of course, the most effective and consistent with the purpose of this revision of the law is to find people who are willing to appear in court to explain and accept cross-examination.




10.53106/241553062024010087009  複製DOI  DOI查詢


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