肌肉鬆弛劑致死案:不作為醫療過失致死之因果歸責【學習式判解評析】 試閱
The Muscle Relaxant Case: On the Objective Attribution for the Medical Negligent Homicide by Omission
In this case, the accused physician negligently instructed a nurse to administer the wrong medication and then delayed referring the victim for emergency care, resulting in the victim’s death. In this type of case, where the perpetrator’s double negligence caused the death of another person, since the tortfeasor’s subsequent negligence was in the form of an omission, meaning that he did not intervene in the course of the risk created by the previous negligent act, and the result of the victim’s death was still the realization of the risk created by the previous negligent act. The perpetrator’s prior negligent act would therefore be convicted of the crime of wrongful death. In addition, there is no such concept of “crime with aggravated result” in the legal norm, so only the previous negligence of the perpetrator who wrongly instructed the nurse to administer the medication could legally be counted as involuntary manslaughter. In this case, the verdicts of the previous trials all recognized that the defendant was guilty of negligent homicide by omission and did not make a substantive judgment on the causal relationship between the omission and the death, so there is still room for review.