精障犯罪者處遇制度與司法精神病院之設立【本期企劃】 試閱
The Treatment System for Criminals With Mental Disorders and the Establishment of Judicial Mental Hospitals
Recent incidents of severe violent crimes committed by individuals with mental illness have brought the issue of criminal liability and measures for mentally ill offenders under the Criminal Code back into focus. In practice, several high-profile cases involving mentally ill offenders have revealed significant discrepancies in judicial outcomes across multiple levels of trial, often oscillating between extremes of guilty and not guilty verdicts. Furthermore, the teaching of criminal law, national examinations, and even practical application in Taiwan have long neglected security measures and their enforcement, resulting in serious gaps in the relevant criminal legal framework. This article will highlight the operational deficiencies in the existing legal and practical frameworks of the Criminal Code. Lastly, it will provide several recommendations concerning the recent initiatives by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health and Welfare to construct high-security forensic psychiatric hospitals.