
生產事故救濟條例施行成效及省思【一百期特別企劃】   試閱


Achievements and Lessons from the Implementation of the Childbirth Accident Relief Act




The Childbirth Accident Emergency Relief Act (CAERA) was implemented in June 2016. By the end of 2023, 2214 applications had been processed, with 2048 approved, amounting to NT$12.878 billion in relief funds. The Act was legislated in response to frequent obstetric medical disputes, which led to a shortage of physicians and jeopardized maternal and child healthcare. During the pilot phase, obstetric disputes decreased by 70%, paving the way for the Act’s passage and the improvement of working conditions in obstetrics. The relief scope includes cases of maternal, neonatal, and fetal deaths, as well as moderate or more severe disabilities. The successful promotion of this Act also contributed to the 2022 enactment of the Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act, further enhancing doctor-patient relations and establishing an Alternative Dispute Resolution model. Survey results from relief cases revealed a discrepancy between the provision of care services and public perception, particularly in explaining medical conditions, which reflects insufficient trust in doctor-patient relationships. This underscores the importance of training healthcare providers in compassionate care and fostering a culture of non-blame. Additionally, the rising maternal and neonatal mortality rate is closely associated with the increasing number of older mothers. Late marriages and delayed childbearing exacerbate pregnancy risks, highlighting the need for policies to optimize workplace environments and risk management of high-risk pregnancies. Healthcare facilities also face shortcomings in managing fetal distress and neonatal asphyxia. Efforts should focus on strengthening prenatal risk assessments, rapid referral system and emergency response training. To address challenges arising from declining birth rates and the uneven distribution of childbirth medical resources, the open hospital model offers a potential solution. However, it requires careful integration of healthcare systems and thoughtful incentive design. Overall, the Act has successfully reduced medical litigation and enhance doctor-patient relationships. But providing care services, risk management to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and severe illnesses, ultimately achieving the goal of “safe childbirth with national protection.”




10.53106/241553062025020100003  複製DOI  DOI查詢


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