【醫療刑事法】心導管治療手術案:心包膜填塞的結果不法【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Complicated with Cardiac Tamponade
裁判字號 臺灣高等法院高雄分院105年度醫上訴字第1號刑事判決
引用法條 刑法第276條、刑事訴訟法第159-5條、第369條
Cardiologist performed percutaneous coronary intervention on patient, but complicated with chest tightness, hypotension, and then loss of consciousness. Patient died after resuscitation and re-examination of the coronary arteries conditions. Did the doctor treat this patient according to the standard of care? Could he make diagnosis of cardiac tamponade in time? Could the death of the patient be avoided? How the courts face this trial? From the beginning of this trial till now, this hospital abandoned invasive treatment to patients with coronary artery disease.