再探產檢疏失的法律責任【醫事綜探】 試閱
Legal Liability of Negligent Prenatal Exam
因產檢疏失而未能中止妊娠的情況被稱為“wrongful birth”,臺灣司法實務目前對此並無穩定的見解,本文肯認在此情況下,婦女應有生育自主權,從而可以主張權利受到侵害;但依據客觀歸責理論的內涵,醫師並沒有創造法所不允許的風險,故應無討論刑事責任的必要性。
Wrongful birth is a legal action which physicians fail to warn the risk of giving birth to a child with serious genetic or congenital abnormalities. Nowadays, there are no stable judicial opinions in Taiwan. This article affirms the right of women’s reproductive self-determination in this situation. On the other side, based on the theory of objective attribution, no illegal risks are created by physicians. Therefore, there’s no need to discuss criminal liability.