醫療爭議相關名詞概念及定義探討之二:衝突【實務講座】 試閱
Concepts and Definitions about Terms in Medical Dispute Part 2: Conflict
Conflict as a concept can help to explain many aspects ofsocial life, such as social differences, conflicts of interest,and struggles between individuals, groups, companies ororganizations. It can be divided into three main categories:international, interpersonal and inner. This article mainlydiscusses the latter two. Interpersonal conflicts are dividedinto simple, complicated subject and professional types.Inner conflict is a conflict that exists in the heart, whichbelongs to the psychological level, and there is no obviousconflict between the two parties to observe. Summary of thepre-negotiation stage of disputes and conflicts: Discussingthe concepts and definitions of cognitive differencesand conflicts. Since conflicts occur naturally and areinevitable, so we must learned and face it. The reasons arecomplicated, mainly cognitive differences, so we need tomaster the corresponding strategies and methods to keepthe result away from deterioration of into a constructiverelationship.