脊椎手術後癱瘓案:民事醫療糾紛事件之舉證責任分配原則與調整【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Paralysis Following Spinal Surgery: The Principle of Distribution of Burdon of Proof and its Adjustment in Respect of Civil Medical Lawsuits
In civil procedures for medical disputes, the patient shall still bear the burden of proof of facts in his or her favor, such as medical defects, negligence of the physician or hospital or its performance assistance, and the causal relationship between defects and damages, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section of paragraph 277 of Civil Procedure. However, the burden of proof may be appropriately reduced and reasonably shifted to the patient in accordance with the proviso of paragraph 277 of Civil Procedure Law in cases where the principle of complete control of risk, the principle of Anscheinsbeweis, the principle of significant medical negligence, and the physician or hospital’s obstruction of proof are met. In litigation, the burden of proof shall be appropriately allocated according to the circumstances of the case, taking into account the reasons for the uncertainty of facts and the difficulty of proof, and balancing the interests of both the physician and the patient.