韓國法觀點:精神疾患者非自願性住院制度【全球瞭望】 試閱
Involuntary Psychiatric Admission for Mentally Disordered in Korea: A Legal Perspective
In an era of rapid global changes, mental disorder has become the third most common disease in the world after heart disease and cancer. The successive incidents of indiscriminate killing and wounding of people by mentally disordered in Taiwan have aroused the attention and concern of all sectors of the society. The application and scope of compulsory psychiatric admission have also become an endless debate on the amendment of the law, and how to protect the health and safety of the mentally disordered and other citizens while protecting human rights also has become an important issue. Legal professions should not shift all the responsibility of preventing possible social hazards to the medical professions, forced isolation of the mentally disordered from society is not a long-term solution. In Taiwan, the current system of Custody and Protection and Compulsory Psychiatric Admission are too monolithic. We should refer to South Korea’s diversified legislative system to allow people with the mentally disordered to receive appropriate treatment at an early stage, prevent chronicity of the illness, and enable them to return to society quickly.