共有 10 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 全民健保改革的分級醫療何去何從?【本期企劃】 Where is the Future of Taiwan National Health Insurance’s Tiered Medical Care System Heading? |
李伯璋、侯英泠 | 2024/01 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
2 | 醫事人員人力短缺問題——美國與臺灣問題分析【全球瞭望】 The Shortage of Healthcare Personnel: A Comparison between the U.S. and Taiwan |
胡芮萍 | 2023/10 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
3 | 通訊診察治療辦法修正動向與醫師親自診察義務的實踐【本期企劃】 The Revision Trend of Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications and the Practice of Physician’ s Duty of Diagnosing in Person |
吳肇鑫 | 2023/04 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
4 | 互聯網醫療品質和安全的法律保障【本期企劃】 Study on the Legal Protection of Quality and Safety of Online Medicine Services |
于佳佳 | 2023/04 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
5 | 數位時代下的醫師親自診療義務——以線上問診為例【本期企劃】 Physician’ s Obligation of In-person Diagnosis in the Digital Age: A Discussion of Online Consultation |
劉邦揚 | 2023/04 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
6 | 遠距醫療的法規範修正芻議【月旦時論】 A Preliminary Study of Legal Norms of Telemedicine |
王紀軒 | 2022/01 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
7 | 急重症轉診網絡再強化【本期企劃】 The Improvement of Emergency Transferring Network |
莊惠閔、卓琍萍、劉越萍 | 2021/02 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
8 | 遠距醫療系統改變之法制比較【醫事綜探】 Telemedicine and COVID-19: Evolution of Practice and Legal Framework in Taiwan and the U.S. |
劉依俐 | 2021/02 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
9 | 對中國大陸2018年新規的梳理──「互聯網+醫療」的新課題及其應對【本期企劃】 Review of the 2018 New Regulations in the Mainland China ─ “Internet + Healthcare”: New Issues and Rule-makers’ Responses |
于佳佳 | 2019/04 | 月旦醫事法報告 |
10 | 【醫療民事法】親自診察義務──論醫師法第11條的變革與挑戰【學習式判解評析】 The Duty of Examination in Person ─ On the Change and Challenge of Paragraph 11 of Physicians Act |
周祖佑 | 2018/09 | 月旦醫事法報告 |