食品安全、責任與正義【本期企劃】 試閱
Food Safety, Responsibility and Justice
近幾十年來,全球關於食品倫理正義的論述已自食品來源保障(狹義的food security)擴展至食品品質與安全(廣義的food security)。臺灣近來亦遭遇許多重大之食品安全問題,並歷經數次密集修法,以保障並提升食品安全;然而目前國內文獻論述仍少有系統性地整合正義、責任與風險概念之食品安全法律政策論述。因篇幅限制,本文不擬完整地檢視實質與程序的正義理論,僅嘗試提出一個從分配正義之觀點理解食品安全責任之分析架構,主張風險管理與預警原則、食品資訊之透明及食品企業社會責任,皆是分配正義之展現,有待民主參與來凝聚共識─我們願意為了食品安全付出多少代價?
In recent decades, global discourses regarding food ethics and justice have expanded from food accessibility (narrow interpretation of food security) to food quality and safety (wide interpretation of food security). Similarly, these years Taiwan has suffered from serious food safety problems and intensively revised its food law and regulations several times to protect and enhance food safety. However, literature in Taiwan rarely addresses food legal policy discourse by systematically integrating concepts of justice, responsibility and risk. Due to the limitation of space, this paper does not cover all the substantive or procedural justice theories, but intends only to propose an analytic framework that examines food safety responsibility from a perspective of distributive justice. It posits that distributive justice considerations are revealed in the discourses in risk management and precautionary principle, transparency of food information, and food business social responsibility. Democratic participation is urged to reach a consensus on how much we are willing to pay for the price of food safety.