食安風險規範的基本說明──以行政管制為核心【本期企劃】 試閱
Introduction to Risk Regulation for Food Safety: The Overall Review of the Existing System of the Administrative Regulation
The food safety issue is one of the main concerns the public have in recent years. However, it is easy for the public to distract their attention when the media changes its focus on some other issues. For the legal academic study, especially facing the so-called risk society, regarding the solid establishment of the legal structure that should be funded, in addition to the security of the rights to health and life, we shall understand what the basic legal framework and system are supposed to be, which is the prerequisite for the administrative regulations of the food safety to be established. Moreover, we also need to know whether or how, if possible, the existing regulations can carry out the realization of food safety. In sum, for truly realizing and before further criticizing, we must comprehend what risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication are, which would be the main idea and subject in this paper.