不能說的秘密:由法令觀點淺談偵查書類中所見專科護理師臨床實務疑義【本期企劃】 試閱
Secret Truths Untold: From Investigation and Trial Records—General Discussions from a Legal Point of View on Issues Concerning Nurse Practitioners' Part in Clinical Practice
臺灣醫療體系與相關法令之設計,乃以「醫師」為尊。大部分醫療業務,原則上都要經過醫師的 "order" 方得為之;然觀察專科護理師制度設計的原意,本係於使其等在醫療資源不足的區域得獨立執行部分醫療業務,以彌補醫師人力不足的現況,滿足民眾就醫需求,而此兩者間似有扞格。雖目前臨床疑似存在專科護理師獨立執行醫療業務情形,但此不無違反密醫罪之嫌。筆者研讀偵審書類,由法令觀點表示淺見,盼與醫事人員共思趨吉避凶與未來改進之道。
In Taiwan, our medical system and the relevant laws are designed based on “doctors.” Most medical procedures or tasks can’t be performed without doctors’ orders. However, the original idea of “nurse practitioner” is to balance the need for doctors in distant areas lacking of medical resources. Although, in some condition, there are nurse practitioners that perform medical procedures without doctors’ supervision, they may actually commit the crime of “Medical Fraud.” By looking through some investigation and trial documents, I try to share my opinions from a legal perspective with all the health workers, hoping that we can find a better way to get out of the dilemma in the future.