
專科護理師:醫師的最佳輔助人力【本期企劃】   試閱


Nurse Practitioners: The Best Auxiliary Manpower for Physicians




In recent years, reducing the working hours of physicians become the consensus of the society, but will appear the manpower indentation of resident doctor or doctor in charge! However, if taking medical resource as the basis of comparison, corrected with national health expenditure per capita, the number of Taiwanese doctor per 10,000 of population is enough. The main indentation of Doctor’s manpower is during the nighttime and the holiday which will be resolved partially by promotion of hospitalis care system and also using postgraduate year resident as the duty resident. In addition, the Health Welfare Department intends to increase nurse practitioner (NP) and also set up clinical assistant as the auxiliary manpower for the physicians. According to the Labor Standard Act, the working hours of NP can fulfill the clinical demand. NP can only performed low risk medical procedures under the supervision of doctor. It needs to be extended to median risk procedures to meet the clinical need. In the past 12 years, there are 7 lawsuits against NP, 4 criminal suits and 3 civil suits. NP lost three criminal trials (75%) because physicians deny awareness of the patient’s conditions. We suggest that, for patient safety, while physicians choose competent NP to care the patients, doctors still need to inspect the performance of NP to avoid medical error. Unless there are gross negligence of NP, physicians should not declare that they were unaware of the conditions of the patients. At present time in Taiwan, combined care of patients with physicians and NP may be the best medical caring system. It is necessary to be extended the NP activities to median risk procedures and to reestablishment of physicians-NP legal relationship to make NP the best auxiliary manpower for physicians.




10.3966/241553062017050007002  複製DOI  DOI查詢


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