告知說明義務系列:微整形亦須盡告知說明義務【醫事法學教室】 試閱
The Series of the Obligation to Disclose: Performing Non-Invasive Aesthetic Plastic Treatments Must Fulfill the Obligation to Disclose
Aesthetic plastic treatments which do not immediately endanger the life and health of patient are different from general treatments that have the purpose of cure. Explaining the treatments of disease and their effects is the primary of general treatments to fulfill the obligation to disclose. The defendant is a professional physician of aesthetic plastic treatments. According to his medical standard, he could foresee that the plaintiff would highly concern about the effect of laser tattoo removal. The result of the treatments should be fully explained to the plaintiff. Therefore, the physician must fulfill the obligation to disclose before noninvasive aesthetic plastic treatments such as laser tattoo removal, botox, and hyaluronic acid perform.