1990年後的日本藥物濫用防制對策【月旦時論】 試閱
Japan’ s Policy on Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
In its ongoing efforts to deal with the problem of drug abuse, Japan has enacted such laws as the Narcotic and Psychotropic Substance Control Law, the Cannabis Control Law, the Opium Law, and the Awakening Drug Control Law; together with the Special Provisions on Narcotic Substances, these statutes are collectively referred to as the “five drug laws,” and regulate both legal and illegal drugs (scheduled drugs). In view of the role of dependence and addiction in drug-related crimes, Japan has begun to move away from its previous emphasis on criminal sanctions by adopting policies which regard drug addicts as patients in need of treatment, rather than as criminals to be punished. In this paper I examine the various measures which have been adopted in Japan since the 1990s for dealing with drug abuse, and analyze the relevant data published by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, focusing on the effectiveness of the “five drug laws” in dealing with drug abuse and recidivism.