國民法官制度下精神鑑定的新風貌(四)【實務講座】 試閱
New Characteristics of Psychiatry Assessment under Lay Judge System (IV)
The results of the psychiatry assessment influence the decision of the professional judges, and may have more authoritative effects on the lay judges, not to mention diverse assessments which cause the difficulty in respect of decision-making. It is extremely important to collect information before the psychiatry assessment and to avoid the diverse assessments. Besides, the professional judges should fulfill the duty to instruct the lay judges to understand the nature of the evidence and the limits of the probative value of the psychiatry assessment. On the other hand, the expert witness of the psychiatry should revise the pervious pattern of the activity at court, making the process of the assessment as well as the conclusion more concise for the lay judges. Finally, in the phase of the court deliberation, the professional judge should make the lay judges aware of the relevance of the psychiatry assessment to the evaluation of the capacity for responsibility, assisting in providing perspectives on the evaluation when having diverse assessments.