專斷或選擇—卵巢切除案:論多重醫療選擇與醫師告知說明義務【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Arbitrary or Choice: The Oophorectomy Case-On Multiple Medical Options and Doctors’ Obligation to Inform and Explain
If the doctor’s obligation to inform and explain is regarded as an objective duty of care, and the negligence is evaluated in connection with the violation of the obligation, because the violation of notification has nothing to do with creating the risk of legal interest infringement, so the medical process complies with medical standards, medical negligence will certainly not be established. The court’s opinion was tantamount to denying the patient’s right to individual self-determination. Another solution is to presumptively agree that the physician is liable for attempted injury or attempted serious injury. Or, where presumed consent is not recognized, the alternative is to limit the scope of the physician’s disclosure. If there are multiple options for medical treatment and there are important risk differences between these options, the physician has an obligation to inform the patient about all medical options and the risk differences among them.