醫療機構委由保險業者提供關懷服務之妥適性【月旦時論】 試閱
Appropriateness for Healthcare Institutions to Delegate the Provision of Caring Services to Insurers
According to the Act on the Prevention of Medical Incidence and Settlement of Disputes, hospitals and clinics with fewer than 99 beds must designate professionals or appoint professional organizations or groups in the event of a medical accident to carry out the following: explanations, communication and the provision of assistance and care services. It is essential that the content of any such explanation is involved with the patient’s private sphere. In the event that the explanation is delegated to professionals or organizations external to the medical institutions, a contractual agreement should be established, entailing the right to levy a fee and the obligation to maintain confidentiality. In instances where the medical institution or its personnel have obtained medical liability insurance, the mediation processes necessitates the involvement of the insurance company, which assumes responsibility for the final settlement of the claim. Consequently it is more appropriate to entrust the care service to the insurer.