臺中地院醫療試辦制度十週年回顧與省思【一百期特別企劃】 試閱
Taichung District Court's Pilot Medical System: A Decade of Review and Reflection
Since September 2012, the Taichung District Court has piloted a medical mediation, expert consultation, and medical appraisal system, which has now been in operation for over ten years. This paper compiles statistical data from the past decade to analyze the effectiveness of this pilot initiative. Additionally, given that Taiwan’s Medical Malpractice Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act, passed in 2022, does not regulate mediation models, this paper proposes an appropriate mediation framework and suggests improvements to medical consultation and appraisal mechanisms. The goal is to enhance the mediation process for resolving medical disputes and to maximize the role of medical appraisals in facilitating litigation.