護理勞動權益:護理人員於颱風日工作,雇主應否加倍發給工資?【醫事法學教室】 試閱
Labor Rights of Nursing: Should the Employer Pay Double Wages for the Nursing Stuffs Work during a Typhoon Day?
When an employee works during a typhoon day, the employer should pay beside the regular wage the additional according to No. 7 of the Direction of Management and Payment to the Employee who is attendant during a Natural Disaster. This paper would like to introduce a judgement, in that a nursing stuff complained to the employer about a double wage because of working at a typhoon day. It would be discussed in this paper whether the nursing stuff like that could complain to the employer about a double wage according to the Direction mentioned above. When rejected, could the nursing stuff complain about that the employer broke labor rules, so the labor contract could be stopped according to paragraph 14 section 1 number 6 of Labor Basic Law.