抽血造成大腿動脈神經損傷【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
The Blood-Taking Leads to Nerve Injury in Aorta
The plaintiff X was sent to the emergency because of the chest pain and the difficult breathing. The accused as the attending physician Y exanimated X’s degree of blood oxygen saturation and took a blood test from the aorta in groin. X expressed the pain during taking the test. There were also some sequelae like paralysis in his thigh, difficulties during long distance walking. The Court determinates that it was the truth that X had expressed the pain during taking a blood test and the needle didn’t be pierced vertically into X’s skin by Y which had obeyed the due diligence for the blood-taking form the aorta. The hospital must pay X 3,748,328 Yen totally according to the judgement.