【醫療民事法】美容醫學非法填充物案:美容醫學手術植入物之說明告知義務【學習式判解評析】 試閱
A Case about Surgical Implants Causing Lesion of Body Tissue: Duty of Disclosure for Implants of Cosmetical Surgery
Because the physician didn’t save the medical records and other proofs, it was difficult for the patient to judge actualities like the disclosure made by the physician and the content of implants. It would be analyzed in this essay how burden of proof for civil obligations would be distributed when the physician broken the duties of medical recording and saving, and how burden of proof would be distributed when the physician fulfills the duty of disclosure before invasive procedure. In this essay would the relationship between the content of implants of cosmetical surgery and duty of disclosure and duty of care be also analyzed.