淡路島5人殺害事件──妄想症患者的責任能力【寰宇醫事裁判】 試閱
Five Murders in Awaji Shima: The Responsibility of delusional Disorder Patients
Because of suffering from the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and having Ritalin, the patient has already had illusions, killing two neighbors including five elders. The court of the first instance was the opinion thatthe illusion the accused suffered from was not so serious to affect his decision-making and behaviors, even though he overdosed and suffered from mental illnesses. Therefore had he the complete responsibility. The court of the second instance referred to the psychiatry assessment once again, being the opinion that the accused responsibility had degenerated conspicuously because of that the illusion had worsened. The accused committed the crime under the circumstance that the impulse and offensive had arisen. He was mentally infirm at that time and sentenced to the life imprisonment.