免費健檢未通知異常報告案:論健康檢查之醫療告知說明義務及告知方式【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Fail to Inform the Abnormal Finding of Complimentary Health Examination: On the Duty of Medical Information for the Health Examination and its Means
The issued hospital introduced a 64 slices volume computed tomography scan, giving health examinations for the employee for free, including A. A was examined that he got a tumor in 0.5 centimeter, when he went to another doctor. The plaintiff complained that the hospital as well as the physician didn inform the result of the examination which lead A to lose chances to detect the tumor and it resulted in the lung adenocarcinoma in the 4th stage due to the metastasis of the tumor. His death was happed eventually. The plaintiff complained therefore the hospital for the liability to compensate the damage and the physician for the joint and several liability. The High Court judged that the hospital had broken the duty of information and caused the plaintiff the damage and it shall compensate it. The nature of the health examination, the duty of information and the means to inform would be the topics to be discussed and be analyzed in this essay.