通訊診察治療辦法修正動向與醫師親自診察義務的實踐【本期企劃】 試閱
The Revision Trend of Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications and the Practice of Physician’ s Duty of Diagnosing in Person
There is no doubt that telemedicine has successfully played a pivotal role in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan and abroad. In the post-pandemic era, Taiwan has announced the revision of the rules of medical diagnosis and treatment by telecommunications, which is expected to be implemented in 2023. Expanding special circumstances, increasing communication diagnosis and treatment items, relaxing prescriptions, and increasing information security regulations are mentioned. This article will explore whether the physician’s diagnosis by himself or herself under Article 11 of the Physicians Act can break through the traditional face-to-face method, or introduce one of the methods that the United States and Japan have matured to regard telemedicine as a customary medical practice. On the basis of considering the patient’s autonomous rights and best interests, moderately amend the physicians law or medical care act, and make good use of telemedicine.