醫糾案件鑑定之探討【醫事法學教室】 試閱
On the Appraisal of Medical Lawsuits
During the medical lawsuits, the appraisal institute analyzes materials, which is given by the clients, like the procurator office or the court, and the medical records makes the professional medical opinion as the appraisal, so that the client could take it into consideration. Whether the appraisal would be accepted, depends on the judgment which was made by the client according to rule of thumb and logic principles. The court in this case took the appraisal into consideration and affirmed that the physician B in Emergency had fault even though, it still had no causation with the death of the patient A. Furthermore, the attending Physician C had no Fault. The plaintiffs complain about the compensation for damage by the B, C, and the hospital according to the infringement and the nonperformance of obligation had no reason as the result.