【醫療刑事法】肝臟惡性腫瘤切除術後照護案:醫療上客觀注意義務【學習式判解評析】 試閱
Case of Post Resection Care for Liver Malignant Tumor: The Standard of Medical Care
The Medical Care Act was amended and implemented on January 24, 2018, adding the scope of the violation of duty of negligence and the standard of professional clinical direction, which not only taking medical knowledge and medical routines as the criteria, but also considering the local medical resources and medical standards. According to the opinion in this essay, the recognition of medical negligence liability has not been limited or reduced, although the standards for identifying medical negligence are clearly defined and expressly stipulated. In this case, the patient died of shock after extensive liver lobectomy. This essay is based on the premise of death due to hemorrhagic shock, in order to discuss respectively whether physician has foreseeability about complications of postoperative bleeding after surgery, and whether physician can avoid the possibility of death due to postoperative bleeding. Agreeing with the judgments of the first trial and the previous evaluations from the committee on medical disputes, it is believed that the physician in this case failed to send the patient to the intensive care unit or improve the care of the patient after the operation, failing not only to confirm the diagnosis timely, but also to stop the bleeding actively and the responsibility for medical negligence as the consequence should be taken.