韓國COVID治理與「謊言」的代價【醫事綜探】 試閱
The Korean COVID Governance and Cost of Epidemiological Concealment
The world is now facing the second and third waves ofthe threat of coronavirus, and various countries haveadopted “epidemic-prevention policies” and more coercivemeasures in order to prevent the spread of the disease andto protect the health of their citizens.
Analyzing the Korean Governance Model, it startsfrom the amendments to relevant legal regulations relatedto infectious diseases that were newly called “the threeCOVID laws” — the Infectious Disease Control andPrevention Act, the Quarantine Act, and the MedicalLaw. In addition, the extensions of government policiesinclude: (1) obtaining personal communication andlocation information for statistical applications in epidemicprevention, (2) restrictions on personal freedom, suchas real-name entry/exit system and “safety band” with“Self-Quarantine Safety Protection APP” installing, (3)restrictions on social distance and freedom of business,such as business prohibition or time control measures,and (4) penalties for spreading rumors or epidemiologicalconcealment. The above-mentioned acts of the Koreangovernment shall be considered as a “strict control” model.